Created by Pure Concept, a Swiss designer-creator firm specializes in luxury true estate, Chalet Brickell enjoys the luxury of a breathtaking scenario on the heart of Megève, French ski resorts.
This exceptional villa, situated at the foot of the mountain, with guest house, blends perfectly into the town. It gives a rich sobriety of precious materials, the subtlety of elegant combinations and a completely functional space. Each and every accessory has to play his part: a touch of color, an ambient light, bespoke carpets, unique styles. Behind chic modernity is a genuinely genuine simplicity.
Brickell is south facing so you can take pleasure in the sun all day lengthy, and has unforgettable views across the mountains. It gives both a refuge and scenes, to feast their eyes.
The teak terrace, against the background of snow, is the best place to loosen up in the sun. White is the interior-exterior tone and offers a warm comfort at an open-air relaxation area. Tailor-made sunbeds, for moments of leisure, take a deckchair appear with high good quality yacht-style details.
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