Monday, July 25, 2016

Landscape Painting by Hong Leung. As masters oil on canvas, Leung reached a haunting quality in his operates, the feelings of the viewer requires as an irresistible melody. His brush, like a magic wand appears to weave a sense of enchantment. In his landscapes and shore villages, visions of Shangri-La come to mind, well mixed with subtle performances of the dramatic and the calm.

H. Leung was in Canton, China At the age of nineteen, born in 1933, right after he moved to Hong Kong, started his artistic career blossom forth, receives the recognition of collectors and critics alike.

In 1978, H. Leung and his household emigrated to the US Because then, he has shown his functions in significant exhibitions in Canada, Australia, Hong Kong, Japan, California, Texas and Hawaii. By way of his artistic talents and achievements H. Leung has US citizenship.

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